Art Review #3
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2511 SEK | ||
279 SEK | ||
279 SEK |
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Nr/år: 9
Aktuellt nr: Art Review #3
Nästa nr utkommer: 2025-04-24
Språk: Engelska
Beskrivning: ArtReview does just what our title says; we review the most challenging art of our time, wherever in the world it is being made. There¿s new work from artists who are already famous, and work from artists you will hear of for the first time in the magazine. But there¿s far more; you meet the artists in their studios and hear what they have to say about their work and its inspirations. We take you to see fascinating collections and talk to the collectors about their choices, their finds and their fun. Add hot news from the art world, shrewd coverage of the art market, our famous art gossip page ¿WetPaint¿, big features on big art topics, and here you have it. All you need to know about art and artists in your time. In ArtReview.