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Racecar Engineering

215 SEK
215 SEK
645 SEK
1290 SEK
2580 SEK
215 SEK

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Nr/år: 12

Nästa nr utkommer: 2025-02-19

Språk: Engelska

Beskrivning: Racecar is the world s first and foremost motorsports technology magazine. It s crammed full of in-depth detail about Formula 1 cars, Rally cars, Touring Cars not one type of four-wheeled competition machine is overlooked. Published ten times a year, Racecar is not full of jargon: you don t need a Master s in a physical science to understand it. But it s written by professionals, specialised in their fields. That makes Racecar a must for every motorsports enthusiast, from the armchair technical freak, through the club competitor, to the professional engineer.